Marina Village Middle School is always grateful for our wonderful volunteers who donate their time to help our students, staff, and facility. We are looking to fill a few positions for the school year.
PTC meetings are held once a month, see the dates and times on our homepage.
If you have a special talent and/or interest in volunteering, please let us know by sending an email to marinavillageptc@hotmail.com or to Mr. Cambridge at lcambridge@rescueusd.org. A PTC member will contact you with additional information as the event or activity nears.
Thanks to our Beautification Green Team (led by PTC Campus Beautification Chair, Gina Johnston) our campus was given some much needed T.L.C. These student pulled weeds and cleaned up the grounds, where it needed it most. A BIG THANK YOU to our student volunteers who worked so hard to make our campus beautiful.
STUDENTS SEEKING COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES! This is a great way to log volunteers hours, while helping to beautify your school. The Campus Beautification team is hard at work throughout the school year. If you are interested in participating in these efforts, please contact Gina at MarinaVillagePTC@hotmail.com.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENT VOLUNTEERS: TB assessments are now required for parent volunteers. Also, if parents have not yet received a background clearance, please inquire in the school office.