Get to Know Us
The PTC is responsible for planning programs and raising funds to assist Marina Village Middle School. The PTC allocates 100% of all money raised to help pay for classroom supplies, educational activities, field trips, assemblies, and school equipment.
All donations pay for Jupiter Grades, student planners, campus beautification, PTC sponsored events, staff appreciation, and specific items requested by teachers/administration.
Please help us continue to assist our kids and teachers at Marina Village Middle School by funding supplies, activities, and programs that are vital to top-quality education.
Thank you!
~The Marina Village Middle School PTC
Tax ID #91 - 1816078
To Donate, follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Fill out the form here to indicate preferences
Step 2 - To submit donation
a) Scan a QR Code below or
b) Go to PayPal @MVMSPTC or
c) Go to Venmo @marinavillageptc